
Registration for the current school year is now available. New students are accepted based on space availability, personal interview between the administration and prospective parent(s), and records from previous schools, where applicable.

Registration Form (PDF)
Emergency Contact Information (PDF)

To begin the registration process, these forms must be completed and submitted to the school office via email: Alternatively, you can also fill in all of the information in the form below. This will be followed by an interview of the perspective family and our Head of School.

VHA uses FAST for tuition subsidy applications.

Tuition subsidy applications should only be started once registration is already submitted.


Student Information

Parent Information (Father)

Parent Information (Mother)

Other Siblings

School Service

In a small school like ours the need for help from the parents is important in allowing us to provide the best possible programming for our students. Our family participation/school service program requires each family to contribute 18 hours of time assisting in various school programs throughout the school year. All families must articipate. There are literally dozens of service opportunities available, the PTA coordinates these activities. Please note that ALL VHA families must assist in our annual Purim Mishloach Manot Project and help deliver packages. Accompanying your registration form please submit a cheque for $450 made out to VHA postdated June 1, 2017, and please write school service in the memo line. If you fulfill your obligations this will not be cashed. Thank you for your cooperation.

School Photographs

Throughout the course of the school year, teachers and staff will take photographs in and around the school. These will most-often be used to showcase programs and events to parents in the school . At times these images will be used as part of advertising or promotional materials and social media, including the VHA website. If you would prefer that your child’s image not be included in this way, please email the VHA office at Please include your child’s name and grade.

Society Membership

The Board of Directors encourages all VHA families to join the Vancouver Hebrew Academy Society. To be a voting member of the Society, please complete the information below.

Emergency Information

ALTERNATE PERSON(S)TO CONTACT IF PARENTS CANNOT BE REACHED (if possible, within close proximity of the school)

The purpose of this form is to enable the parent of a student to make the school aware of any medical condition the student has that might be affected by, or, that might prevent him/her engaging in any student activity. And to provide the school with the telephone numbers where the parent and emergency contact can be reached in the event of an emergency. The information supplied on this form is to be regarded as strictly confidential and shall be made available only to appropriate persons as deemed necessary by School Administration. Please Note: The responsibility lies with the parents to advise the school if any change occurs in the medical or physical condition of the student.

(Please check each statement to complete the form)

I give my consent for the school to initiate a hospital visit in case of emergency if I cannot be reached.

I give my consent for my child to be involved in drop-in visits by the Vancouver Health Dept. Staff.

I give my consent for my child to go on a field trip within walking distance of the school.

Legal Residency of Parent - FORM A (if parents are deceased, use FORM B)

To be completed and signed by a parent or legal (court-appointed) guardian. (If legal guardian, attach copy of court order appointing you as legal guardian).

1. I am (please one):

2. I am a resident of British Columbia (please one):