Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association (PAC) enables all parents to play an active role in enhancing the course of their children’s education. The PAC works hard to develop school spirit, promote community programs and religious events within the school, fundraise to provide additional resources to the school, create a family feeling by making parent and family social events, and foster good communication between parents and teachers. We strongly encourage all parents to participate in the many PAC events. The meetings are held about once every other month and are open to the entire parent body. The PAC collects a fee per child (with a family maximum), to cover the costs associated with various programs and initiatives coordinated by the PAC. This fee is collected with the book orders in September.
School Service Requirement
In a small school like ours the need for help from the parents is important in allowing us to provide the best possible programming for our students. Our family participation/school service program requires each family to contribute 18 hours of time assisting in various school programs throughout the school year. All families must participate. There are literally dozens of service opportunities available, the PAC coordinates these activities. Please note that ALL VHA families must assist in our annual Purim Mishloach Manot Project and help deliver packages. Accompanying your registration form please submit a cheque for $450 made out to VHA PAC postdated June 1st and please write “school service” in the memo line. If you fulfill your obligations this will not be cashed. Thank you for your cooperation.
The PAC promotes several vehicles throughout the year to raise funds. One of the most popular is selling Safeway and Superstore gift cards. The cards are purchased and sold at face value and Safeway/Superstore donates a percentage of the purchase price back to Hebrew Academy. The cards have no expiration date.
Parents are encouraged to bring their fundraising suggestions to the attention of the PAC.